How can I make a difference?

First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read this blog and offer your support. Without you, this wouldn’t exist!

Back to the title. The question I get most often is: “How can I help you with this?” Or the statement: “Let me know what I can do to help you!” The best answer to that is simple: Keep up the good work!! Your willingness to help is where the answer lies.

I am not a professional, I didn’t go to school to counsel or treat anyone. I just started out wanting to be an ear; a conduit for others to open up to. Someone safe to unload your burden on. A shoulder. You all have the same ability.

Here and now I challenge each and every one of you. Walk with me. Become someone willing to just be there. Take a peer support class, read a book on the subject, or just open up about your own struggle. It’s really nothing more than the firehouse table, the roll call room, or the barracks. You become where others can talk freely about their lives.

If you haven’t realized it yet my brothers and sisters, you are already doing your part. So next time you get a feeling that one of our own isn’t quite 100%, remember these words: are you ok? Do you want to take a walk?

Published by Brian

I am a Fireman, Paramedic, Bagpiper, Husband, and Father. I made this site in order to bring awareness to mental health disorders and addiction issues with first responders.

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